Tag Archives: Veterans Day

Veterans of our Nation and our Church

On Wednesday of this week (November 11), our nation will once again commemorate Veteran’s Day. When President Woodrow Wilson established the first Veteran’s Day (known then as Armistice Day) in 1919, he spoke these words: “To us in America, the … Continue reading

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A Reflection on Veteran’s Day

Throughout the entirety of the Bible, God sends us the message, “do not be afraid, I am with you.” Throughout the Gospels Jesus reinforces the this message and assures us of God’s love and commitment to human kind. “Do not … Continue reading

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Agents of Hope and Peace

by Ron Abrams “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”  ~Matthew 5:9 Yesterday, November 11th was Veteran’s Day. On this day in 1918, a truce between the allied nations and Germany went into effect on … Continue reading

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