Tag Archives: Trinity

Preparing for Trinity Sunday

We find ourselves midway between two important and mysterious days in the life of the church. Last Sunday was Pentecost. Special shout out to all those who wore red in observance of the birthday of the church, that day when … Continue reading

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The Notion of Mystery

Oftentimes, just as I begin to think that I understand one thing or another about my beliefs, just as I begin to feel confident in any aspect of religious instruction or thought or practice, I am given the opportunity to recognize the folly of my certainty. Continue reading

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Listen For a Change

“We are each called as followers of Jesus to try to follow his model of ministry, which involved a great deal of listening.” Continue reading

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The Lord’s Day; The Weekly Easter; The Day of Light

By The Rev. Charles E. Hocking, Ret. Yes, that’s right, this blog is about Sunday and these three legitimate and descriptive labels for our weekly holy day. If you were raised in the Episcopal Church as I was through Church … Continue reading

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