Tag Archives: Spirituality

The Spiritual Power of Movies

When I was a senior in High School I took an elective entitled “Modern Media.” Many seniors took this course with the assumption that all we were going to do was watch movies, eat popcorn and have fun! Boy, were … Continue reading

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G.A.P. (Gratitude, Acceptance, Positive Thoughts)

My husband recently attended a two-day conference in order to obtain continuing education credits. After lunch on the first day – a very precarious time to be a presenter – a woman by the name of Paula Guilfoyle offered what … Continue reading

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A break in the cup.

The other night, we tried something new as a worshipping community. We called it, “Reflect.” We knew we wanted a time and space for open, incarnational-relational community building. What we didn’t know was what in the heck that looked like! … Continue reading

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The Spirit in the present moment: reflections during doggy walks

The great French Priest Jean-Pierre de Caussade talked about taking time to be aware of present blessings. He called it “The Sacrament of the Present Moment”saying, “A soul can only be nourished, strengthened, purified, enriched, and sanctified by the fullness … Continue reading

Posted in Erin Kirby | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Freedom From/Freedom For

This week concludes with the celebration of Independence Day, one of the several national holidays woven into the liturgical calendar. Along with Thanksgiving and Labor Day, the Fourth of July is observed as a feast day of the church, with … Continue reading

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Perfection (According to Ecclesiastes)

This past weekend, my son and his family found shells on the beach that we believe were left by the members of a church youth group. On the inside of each shell was a verse of scripture plainly written with … Continue reading

Posted in Kitty Davis | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

How “Sappho” and “Hector” Became “Martha” and “John”

The following is from the creative mind of the Rev. Charles Hocking (ret.) and takes us to Holy Week in the Third Century. Historically, the season of Lent has been a time of preparation for those who are to be … Continue reading

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Voices and Echoes

A few weeks ago I received a book from the Very Rev. Ian Markham, Dean of Virginia Theological Seminary. The book is entitled From Ashes to Action: A Chapel Burns and a Seminary Rebuilds. As a member of the “Chapel … Continue reading

Posted in Ron Abrams | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Lent Means

A friend visited a non-denominational mega-church on the west coast, a place noted for a singularly sunny approach to life. It was a grand church, so grand in fact that tours were offered. This friend, upon completion of a tour, … Continue reading

Posted in Jay Sidebotham | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hope, Holidays, and Water

The mother of our precious one year and two month old oversized puppy was a full-blooded golden retriever. Golden retrievers love water. That attribute has been a source of great pleasure for my husband and me. We laugh out loud … Continue reading

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