Tag Archives: resurrection

Being an Easter People in a Post-Christian World

In 21st century America, one of the words that I have been hearing over and over again in religious circles is the word “Post-Christian.” I recently came across this definition. Post-Christianity is: “the loss of the primacy of the Christian … Continue reading

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Life is Fleeting

Rami Shapiro once wrote a book entitled The Way of Solomon that is a translation of and commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. In it, he translates a very familiar passage in this way: Life is fleeting, The passing of … Continue reading

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Making Room for the Resurrection

Soren Kierkegaard, the Danish theologian and philosopher, told this parable, which he called “The Wild Duck of Denmark”: A wild duck was flying northward with his mates across Europe during the springtime. En route, he happened to land in a … Continue reading

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God’s Autograph

Ron’s recent Grapevine comment led me to ask myself, what is it about autographs? He told the story of a reasonably famous person whose dinner was rudely interrupted by autograph seekers. Why in the world do people do this? Why … Continue reading

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Some Things Should Not Be

By Kitty Davis Last spring due to my procrastination generated from laziness, I waited rather late to prune two plants. The plants are of a hearty variety, however, so they were forgiving to me. Once I began, I worked hard, … Continue reading

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