Tag Archives: Religion and Spirituality

Soupy Tuesday Thoughts

If you are like me, you are hunkered down in the office hoping that a lack of calls or what ever keeps you from venturing out in this wintery weather. I usually welcome the opportunity to escape from the office: … Continue reading

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Standing on Holy Ground

by Bob Cook I had gotten to the church service a bit earlier than usual that morning, and as I sat there I wondered: what in the world am I doing here today? For one thing, it was the early … Continue reading

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A Passing Thought

by Tim Dols As I opened the mail one afternoon, I noticed an invitation/announcement from my home diocese.  It was a formal invitation to the ordination of three persons.   It came as a message that brought to my mind … Continue reading

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Deep Well of Mercy

By Kitty Davis   I begin the writing of this blog as I enjoy the privilege of a several night stay at a retreat center near Winston Salem.  The center is called the Well of Mercy, and it was an odd … Continue reading

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