Tag Archives: Ethics

Why I love the Oscars®!

Movies challenge our humanity and act as witness to our compassion as a human family … Movies stir our souls, challenge our complacency, and inform our conscience and unite us in a common cause. Continue reading

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Life is Fleeting

Rami Shapiro once wrote a book entitled The Way of Solomon that is a translation of and commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. In it, he translates a very familiar passage in this way: Life is fleeting, The passing of … Continue reading

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Holy Wisdom

In the 4th Century the great imperial church was built in Constantinople and named for one of the two great aspects of the Christian Faith at that time – Hagia Sophia. Wisdom and Peace were the two elements of the … Continue reading

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What the Great Command teaches us about Paris

by The Rev. Deacon Kitty Davis This past week I read an article by Diana Butler Bass, the author of many books including Christianity after Religion. In this article she explains the difference between the Great Commission and the Great … Continue reading

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Ambassadors for Peace

One of the great ironies of western civilization occurred in 1896 when Alfred Nobel died and left his fortune to establish a peace prize. According to Nobel’s will the prize shall be awarded to a person who in the preceding … Continue reading

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A Reflection on Veteran’s Day

Throughout the entirety of the Bible, God sends us the message, “do not be afraid, I am with you.” Throughout the Gospels Jesus reinforces the this message and assures us of God’s love and commitment to human kind. “Do not … Continue reading

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“Some see things and ask why, Crazy Christians see things that never were and ask WHY NOT.”

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014, The Rt. Rev. Michael B Curry, Bishop of North Carolina came to St. James as part of his tour for his new book Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus. The video from the lecture is … Continue reading

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Faith, Presidents, and Teddy

by Ron Abrams As we move toward President’s Day (February 17th) my mind starts reflecting on one of my favorite topics: American Presidents. Have you ever seen an American President in person? My first encounter occurred in 1964 when I … Continue reading

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Agents of Hope and Peace

by Ron Abrams “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”  ~Matthew 5:9 Yesterday, November 11th was Veteran’s Day. On this day in 1918, a truce between the allied nations and Germany went into effect on … Continue reading

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“The Promise and Perils of Anglicanism”

The following was a lecture by the Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee, Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of East Carolina, delivered at St. James Church, Wilmington, N.C., Wednesday, September 11, 2013. Bishop Lee is refreshing in his words of careful caution … Continue reading

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