Tag Archives: Episcopalian

That we all may be one

In the service of the Holy Eucharist Rite II, every attending member of the church in the Anglican Communion says these words of the Nicene Creed: “We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.” When we say this, we … Continue reading

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Angels unaware

I’m still catching up on my sleep from last weekend. It was my privilege to be one of the spiritual directors at a weekend called Happening. For those who might not know what happens at Happening, it’s a weekend full … Continue reading

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Lenten Meditations: Self Denial

by Steve Thomas “One becomes rich through diligence and self-denial, and the reward allotted to him is this: when he says, ‘I have found rest, and now I shall feast on my goods!’” ~Sirach 11:18-19a Leading into this Lenten Season, … Continue reading

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The Lord’s Day; The Weekly Easter; The Day of Light

By The Rev. Charles E. Hocking, Ret. Yes, that’s right, this blog is about Sunday and these three legitimate and descriptive labels for our weekly holy day. If you were raised in the Episcopal Church as I was through Church … Continue reading

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Remembering Bob Cook

In Thanksgiving for the Life and Legacy of The Rev. Robert Daniell Cook (1933-2014) When people ask me “What is your favorite hymn?” the answer rolls off my tongue rather quickly. “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” is … Continue reading

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Voices and Echoes

A few weeks ago I received a book from the Very Rev. Ian Markham, Dean of Virginia Theological Seminary. The book is entitled From Ashes to Action: A Chapel Burns and a Seminary Rebuilds. As a member of the “Chapel … Continue reading

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Faith, Presidents, and Teddy

by Ron Abrams As we move toward President’s Day (February 17th) my mind starts reflecting on one of my favorite topics: American Presidents. Have you ever seen an American President in person? My first encounter occurred in 1964 when I … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Day(after)

“What if you woke up tomorrow morning and only had the things you told God you were thankful for the day before?” If you live across Bradley Creek from Lebanon Chapel, you may have heard this statement, prayer, laughter, and … Continue reading

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A Passing Thought

by Tim Dols As I opened the mail one afternoon, I noticed an invitation/announcement from my home diocese.  It was a formal invitation to the ordination of three persons.   It came as a message that brought to my mind … Continue reading

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