Tag Archives: Church

Join us for Conspire 2016

“Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It … Continue reading

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Preparing for Trinity Sunday

We find ourselves midway between two important and mysterious days in the life of the church. Last Sunday was Pentecost. Special shout out to all those who wore red in observance of the birthday of the church, that day when … Continue reading

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Veterans of our Nation and our Church

On Wednesday of this week (November 11), our nation will once again commemorate Veteran’s Day. When President Woodrow Wilson established the first Veteran’s Day (known then as Armistice Day) in 1919, he spoke these words: “To us in America, the … Continue reading

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Theodicy in Sufjan Stevens’ New Album

I’ve always been a Sufjan Stevens fan. He is the original “Indy” kid. He used banjos before it was cool. (Have a listen here and decide for yourself.) His Christmas album is a Franklin family favorite and is usually stuck in … Continue reading

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Lenten Meditation: Sin

by Sam Mitchell The word “sin” comes from archery, when an arrow “misses the mark“. Bishop Curry once asked, “what’s the opposite of love?” His answer: “self-centeredness.” Sometimes we find that we have placed self first, thus  separating ourselves from God and … Continue reading

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A Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Call me a church geek, but I’m enjoying one of my favorite weeks in the church year. It’s the week of prayer for Christian unity, bracketed by two important feasts, observances of two distinct events in the story of the … Continue reading

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What the Great Command teaches us about Paris

by The Rev. Deacon Kitty Davis This past week I read an article by Diana Butler Bass, the author of many books including Christianity after Religion. In this article she explains the difference between the Great Commission and the Great … Continue reading

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Ambassadors for Peace

One of the great ironies of western civilization occurred in 1896 when Alfred Nobel died and left his fortune to establish a peace prize. According to Nobel’s will the prize shall be awarded to a person who in the preceding … Continue reading

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A Reflection on Veteran’s Day

Throughout the entirety of the Bible, God sends us the message, “do not be afraid, I am with you.” Throughout the Gospels Jesus reinforces the this message and assures us of God’s love and commitment to human kind. “Do not … Continue reading

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The Lord’s Day; The Weekly Easter; The Day of Light

By The Rev. Charles E. Hocking, Ret. Yes, that’s right, this blog is about Sunday and these three legitimate and descriptive labels for our weekly holy day. If you were raised in the Episcopal Church as I was through Church … Continue reading

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