Tag Archives: Christianity

Silence in a Chaotic World

There has been a lot of violence and chaos happening this summer. I mentioned a few Sundays ago in my homily at Lebanon Chapel that there has been a substantial increase in domestic and international terrorists attacks in the month … Continue reading

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Matters of Faith

In her book Small Victories, Anne Lamott tells the story of an experience she once had of a particularly turbulent airplane ride. She recalled that she was seated between a woman from another country who had limited language skills and … Continue reading

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Hope is a Dangerous Thing

Following the tragic shooting in Orlando last Sunday, Social media has been flooded with tweets and posts and blogs of people trying to process their profound grief, anger, confusion and fear brought about by this latest act of violence. I … Continue reading

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Friends that Changed Us for Good

We are fast approaching Tony Award night (June 12th) when Broadway bestows its highest honor to the plays and musicals that not only entertain us, but transform our hearts and imaginations. This year the musical “Hamilton,” about the life of … Continue reading

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Love Heals

  Jesus said, A new commandment I give you, to love one another as I have loved you. Jesus has called us to see the world through the lens of love and be a part of the work of bringing … Continue reading

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The Easter Story: An Invitation to the Tuesday Night Bible Study

Actually, there’s more than one story. The four gospels present a variety of accounts of what happened that Easter morning, and how people reacted. Don’t get me wrong, the basic story is fairly well agreed upon. The tomb was empty, … Continue reading

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Sacred Responsibilities

In his book Eyes Remade for Wonder, Lawrence Kushner tells the story that one of his rabbinic students told him about her great aunt. The aunt was living in Munich during Nazi occupation of Germany, and she was riding a … Continue reading

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Easter Confidence

The journey of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter Day and beyond is an acute reminder that evil was alive and well that week in Jerusalem and the events of Holy Week 2016 remind me that evil is alive and well in our world today. Continue reading

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A Time To Re-Member

We need this time to re-connect to God. We need this time to intentionally focus on our relationship to God; to intentionally be mindful of the deep love God has for each of us. Continue reading

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Why I love the Oscars®!

Movies challenge our humanity and act as witness to our compassion as a human family … Movies stir our souls, challenge our complacency, and inform our conscience and unite us in a common cause. Continue reading

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