Tag Archives: Christ

Why Confirmation?

  Today is April 23, 2016. For most people this day is just an ordinary day in the life of the church. For me though, this day holds special meaning!  Today is the Feast of St. George. Growing up at … Continue reading

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Mary, the Mother of God

Recently I was reminded of a piece of advice that one of our friends gave us when I was pregnant with our first child. What he told us was: “You need to know that when the baby is born, you … Continue reading

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Freedom From/Freedom For

This week concludes with the celebration of Independence Day, one of the several national holidays woven into the liturgical calendar. Along with Thanksgiving and Labor Day, the Fourth of July is observed as a feast day of the church, with … Continue reading

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See Again Their Worth

“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being? I will, with God’s help.”  ~From the Book of Common Prayer  Slavery still exists, not only in remote corners of the earth, … Continue reading

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God’s Autograph

Ron’s recent Grapevine comment led me to ask myself, what is it about autographs? He told the story of a reasonably famous person whose dinner was rudely interrupted by autograph seekers. Why in the world do people do this? Why … Continue reading

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Soupy Tuesday Thoughts

If you are like me, you are hunkered down in the office hoping that a lack of calls or what ever keeps you from venturing out in this wintery weather. I usually welcome the opportunity to escape from the office: … Continue reading

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“Fixin to” = A State of Preparation

by James Franklin Here in the south we have a much beloved saying, “I’m fixin to,” go to the store or whatever. Suspecting Northerners perceive it as laziness. Actually, it is saying, “I am in a state of preparation,” that … Continue reading

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Have Yourself a Subversive Little Christmas!

Christ was born, not into earthly power and glory but into poverty. Christ was born during a period of Roman rule in a region governed by a hostile king. His entrance into the world is the antithesis of power and … Continue reading

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Agents of Hope and Peace

by Ron Abrams “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”  ~Matthew 5:9 Yesterday, November 11th was Veteran’s Day. On this day in 1918, a truce between the allied nations and Germany went into effect on … Continue reading

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